Sutan Raja Hotel And Convention Centre

Sutan Raja Hotel And Convention Centre

Soreang - Java Occidental Ver mapa

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Ubicado en Soreang, Sutan Raja Hotel And Convention Centre es el punto de partida perfecto para recorrer Bandung. Tanto los turistas como los que viajan por negocios pueden disfrutar de las comodidades y servicios del hotel. Personal con vocación de servicio te dará la bienvenida y te orientará en el Sutan Raja Hotel And Convention Centre. Habitaciones confortables para asegurar una noche de desc… Más

Cómo llegar

Soreang - Java Occidental Ver mapa

Sutan Raja Hotel & Convention Center has recreational facilities such as an outdoor swimming pool, tennis courts, karaoke facilities and a playground. Staff at the 24-hour front desk can assist guests from check-in to check-out, including luggage storage or laundry services at additional charges. Free WiFi can be accessed in all areas of the hotel, which is 1.5 hours from Husein Sastranegara Airport. This property is located in South Bandung, only 5 minutes from the Soroja toll gate and the local government office, it is the gateway to tourist sites such as; Kawah Putih Lake, Ciwidey Hot Springs and Situ Patenggang Lake can be reached within 20-30 minutes. 30 minutes from the airport via toll road, 1 hour to Arum rapids Pangalengan.

A tener en cuenta

Horarios de entrada y salida


De 14:00 a 0:00


De 0:00 a 12:00

Tasas incluidas en el precio final


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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Sutan Raja Hotel And Convention Centre

  • ¿Qué horario de entrada y salida tiene Sutan Raja Hotel And Convention Centre?

    Sí, el horario para acceder a Sutan Raja Hotel And Convention Centre es a partir de las 14:00 y la salida hasta las 12:00.
  • Sutan Raja Hotel & Convention Center has recreational facilities such as an outdoor swimming pool, tennis courts, karaoke facilities and a playground. Staff at the 24-hour front desk can assist guests from check-in to check-out, including luggage storage or laundry services at additional charges. Free WiFi can be accessed in all areas of the hotel, which is 1.5 hours from Husein Sastranegara Airport. This property is located in South Bandung, only 5 minutes from the Soroja toll gate and the local government office, it is the gateway to tourist sites such as; Kawah Putih Lake, Ciwidey Hot Springs and Situ Patenggang Lake can be reached within 20-30 minutes. 30 minutes from the airport via toll road, 1 hour to Arum rapids Pangalengan.

  • Podrás encontrar Sutan Raja Hotel And Convention Centre en Soreang - Jalan Raya Soreang Km.17 No.10 Cingcin, Pamekaran, Kec. Soreang
  • Soreang
  • None - None
  • None Adulto
  • 1 Habitación